Trinidad and Tobago Healthcare UK Forum (TTHUF)
Registered Charity Number 1183695
Committed to Improving Healthcare Standards
TTHUF's first recipient of bra and protheses in Trinidad and Tobago.
Who We Are
We are a Registered Charity in England, formed of healthcare and other professionals, who are committed to supporting safer and more effective healthcare service provision.
Our vision
At TTHUF, we believe that healthcare standards must be improved, so that people receive care that is safe and effective.
We are committed to working in partnership with healthcare providers and being advocates to people who use healthcare services.
We believe that high standards of care should be provided to all sections of society and that poor care, negligence and malpractice must be discouraged.
Donate to help our work
Your support will enable us to improve healthcare standards.
Please donate to support our cause. We rely on constant funding and the generosity of members of the public to deliver our objectives and provide valuable services to people who use healthcare services and staff.
UK residents:
Please make donations to our bank account below:
Account name: Trinidad and Tobago Healthcare UK Forum
Account number: 30512294
Sort code: 23-05-80
Please complete the Gift Aid form, to increase the value of donations by 25%.
Non-UK residents:
Please click the button below to donate.